Electrical Stimulation, IASTM, Kinesio Taping, Neuromuscular Re-Education, Pre-Surgical Rehab, Stretching and Strengthening Exercises, Therapeutic Activities, Therapeutic Exercise
Achilles Tendonitis, Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Tears, Arm Sprains and Strains, Arm Tendon Repair and Post-Surgery Rehab, Arthritis, Back Pain, Back Sprains and Strains, Degenerative Back Diseases, Difficulty Walking, Foot or Ankle Post-Surgery Rehab, Foot or Ankle Sprains or Strains, Frozen Shoulder/Adhesive Capsulitis, Head and Neck Radiating Pain, Hip Pain and Thigh Pain, Hip Post-Surgery Rehab, Hip Sprains and Strains, Instability, Knee Pain, Knee Post-Surgery Rehab, Knee Sprains and Strains, Knee Tendonitis, Labral Tear, Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL) Tears, Lower Back Pain, Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) Tears, Mid-Back Pain, Neck Pain, Osteoarthritis of the Hip, Poor Balance or Risk of Falling, Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) Tears, Rotator Cuff Injuries, Shoulder Bursitis/Tendonitis, Shoulder Post-Surgery Rehab, Shoulder Sports Injuries, Shoulder Sprains and Strains, Total Knee Replacement, Trochanteric Bursitis
Baseball, Basketball, Football, Tennis, Volleyball